Association Flainoise

Association Flainoise

For a harmonious development of Flaine resort and Grand-Massif.

Most recent articles

Most recent articles

2025-02-02 - Notice of Annual General Meeting

Monday 3 February 2025 by François Zahm
You are kindly invited to participate in the General Meeting of the Association Flainoise, to be held at the climbing gym, Auditorium, Flaine Forêt on Wednesday March 5th, from 6 pm to 8 pm. The General Meeting is reserved to registered members only. Membership application will be possible on (...)

The future of Flaine is at stake: your opinion is important

Friday 15 March 2024 by Regis Lardennois
Sommaire A development project for the Pierre Carrée (...) An unjustified extension of urban development (...) The absence of any concrete plans, or even (...) How to give your opinion The public enquiry into the new PLU (Plan Local d’Urbanisme) for the (...)

2024-01-23 - Notice of Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 23 January 2024 by François Zahm
You are kindly invited to participate in the General Meeting of the Association Flainoise, to be held at the climbing gym, Auditorium, Flaine Forêt on Monday February 26th, from 6 pm to 8 pm. The GM is reserved to registered members only. Membership application will be possible on site. (...)

2023-01-29-Documents submitted to the GM on 27th February 2023

Saturday 11 February 2023 by Regis Lardennois
Please find there the documents submitted to the General Meeting 2023 on 27 February 2023 at the Chapel of Flaine Forum. It will a pleasure to see you or to heard you. The document is there: []

2023-01-27-Notice of Annual General Meeting

Friday 27 January 2023 by Regis Lardennois

New applicant for the council. Introduced in the menu “contact” of the homepage of the web-site..


2022-02-27-Documents Submitted to the GM 2022

Friday 11 February 2022 by Regis Lardennois

The GM will be held on February 27th, “Refuge du Skieur” at 18:00,
Flaine Forêt.

An information meeting open to everybody will be held from 15:00 to 18:00/
Door opening at 16:45.

2022-02-27 - General Meeting 2022

Monday 31 January 2022 by Regis Lardennois
You are kindly invited to participate in the General Meeting of the Association Flainoise, to be held at The “Refuge du Skieur”, Flaine Forêt on Sunday February 27th, from 5 pm to 7 pm. The meeting will be divided in two sessions : • opened to every one - from 5 pm to 6 pm, share of the latest (...)

2022-01-18-Drama in Flaine on Saturday 15th morning

Tuesday 25 January 2022 by Regis Lardennois
Statement by the Administrative Council of the Association Flainoise about the accident in Flaine on the morning of Saturday 15 January. Around 1100, at the bottom of the blue Serpentine run, an adult skier collided violently with a 5-year-old girl, who was taking part in an ESF lesson. (...)

2021-07-24-Notice of Annual Meeting of the Association Flainoise

Tuesday 22 June 2021 by Regis Lardennois
The GM is planned on July 24th at 18.00, in visioconference. The choice of the visioconference is mainly due to help member from other countries to attend the meeting, due to possible difficulties for a physical access to Flaine. The full notice is here : (...)

Favorable outcome for our legal procedure on the taxes generated by the chairlifts located in the Flaine area

Tuesday 25 August 2020 by Regis Lardennois , Thomas Heppel
The ruling is largely in our favour. We will receive €1,500, for about €10k of total expenses, but the impact on the finances of the Syndicat Intercommunal de Flaine (SIF) (and also on the municipality in terms negative image) is very significant. Two years ago, we estimated the impact at (...)

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